Design + Construction Guidance for Nature-Based Solutions
Collaborate with us in developing a comprehensive set of Engineering with Nature Design + Construction Guidance for Nature-Based Solutions, which will be made available for editing and feedback, with the final versions posted on our secure website.
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The fields of engineering and design have made great strides in developing solutions for the modern world, and see the need to continue this forward momentum. To support that forward momentum, USACE is updating its technical guidance resources to include the design and construction of NBS.

NBS have been used for decades to support a variety of objectives in the natural landscape. This update acknowledges the advantages of using a hybrid approach to problem-solving to achieve a comprehensive solution.

A comprehensive solution endeavors to address multiple issues and reduce potential negative impacts by using a combination of traditional “gray” infrastructure, and nature-based “green and blue” infrastructure components.

A robust library of technical resources is available for traditional components, it lacks the same level of instruction and organization for the NBS components.